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A03 肉松脆茄子 Fried Egg Plant with Chicken Floss (Serving)
A03 肉松脆茄子 Fried Egg Plant with Chicken Floss (Serving)

Price displayed is GST exclusive

Price displayed is GST exclusive

A04 椒盐白反鱼 Deep-fried Silver Fish with Salt & Pepper (Serving)
A04 椒盐白反鱼 Deep-fried Silver Fish with Salt & Pepper (Serving)

Price displayed is GST exclusive

Price displayed is GST exclusive

A07 鸿运乳猪全体 Barbecued Suckling Pig (Whole)
A07 鸿运乳猪全体 Barbecued Suckling Pig (Whole)

Price displayed is GST exclusive

Price displayed is GST exclusive

A13 脆皮烧腩仔 Roasted Crispy Pork Belly (Serving)
A13 脆皮烧腩仔 Roasted Crispy Pork Belly (Serving)

Price displayed is GST exclusive

Price displayed is GST exclusive

A12 蜜汁叉烧 Barbecued Pork with Honey Sauce (Serving)
A12 蜜汁叉烧 Barbecued Pork with Honey Sauce (Serving)

Price displayed is GST exclusive

Price displayed is GST exclusive

B01 澳洲三头鲜鲍鱼 Australia Whole Abalone (3 Head)
B01 澳洲三头鲜鲍鱼 Australia Whole Abalone (3 Head)

Price displayed is GST exclusive Per Pax Serving

Price displayed is GST exclusive Per Pax Serving